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Nov 17, 2015
Cameron Tiede – Dum Drops for DesignerCon
Cameron Tiede’s Wood Candy Workshop has a really nice group of releases set for DesignerCon. In addition to the 6.5” limited-edition TV figure, Tooba, Cameron has also prepped the Dum Drops – a small run of uniquely painted Gum drop shape figures. No two Dum Drops are the same. Cameron has customized each with acrylic paint in a variety of colors and stylish patterns, making these the first-ever painted WCW toys. The Dum Drops feature Hardwood Cherry or Walnut Bodies with articulated Maple arms, inlaid eyes and a double-helping of personality. They are completed with hand-rubbed Satin Finish Oil and a coat of Beeswax. Come adopt your very own Dum Drop from the Wood Candy Workshoop booth [#110]. Look for more of Cameron’s Dcon announcements shortly.
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