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Jan 21, 2016

Paulus Hyu x Kurobokan – Nimbus Valentine’s Day Exclusives for Pobber and Woot Bear (2.14)


Valentine’s Day is a perfect time for French Bulldog Lovers.  Paulus Hyu and Kurobokan have dreamt up not one, but two exclusive versions of the adorable pup dropping on 2.14.16.  There’s  the Daydream (Nimbus) Le Bleu for Pobber (45 pcs, $25, 2.14 @ 6AM PST) with navy blue deco and the Daydream (Nimbus) Lush for Woot Bear with pink accents (45 pcs).

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Posted by Jack @ 10:00 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (1) |


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How unoriginal! Can you say Tsum Tsum!

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