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Jan 19, 2016

The Artpin Collection – Artist Trading Pins IndieGoGo Campaign

We love artists and we love collecting enamel pins, why not have both?! That’s what Avri of The Artpin Collection is doing! Combining both worlds into a collectible series of Artist Trading pins. To get this project going, Avri has started up a crowd funding campaign through Indiegogo (HERE). He has also asked 8 of his favorite artists to participate in the very first series of Artist Trading Pins, who include: Sam Fout, Scribe, Steve Purcell, Gary Ham, Scott Tolleson, MCA, Podgy Panda and Daniel Fleres. They are looking for $9,000 to fully fund the project and bring you a high quality product. There are plenty of perks to choose from, but one that is an easy pick would have to be the either Early Bird Pin Set for $50, which gets you all of the pins plus digital wallpapers! Why stop there, when there are plenty of other awesome perks. Be sure to check out their campaign page HERE.

art pin

Posted by Kristoffer @ 10:58 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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