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Feb 17, 2016

Paul Kaiju – Mini Mockbatpocalypse 1 Hour Raffle! (2.21)


Are yooooou reeeaaaady for the MINI MOCKBATPOCALYPSE?! This is probably the only apocalypse you would ever want to be apart of. I feel like that is something I may have said already on the past Mockbatpocalypses, but the statement still stands! This years event will of course feature Paul’s painted blind bagged 4” tall Mini Mockbats, which  were produced by Unbox Industries. The raffle will open up on Sunday, February 21st at 6PM THROUGH 7PM. A 1 HOUR RAFFLE folks! Winners will receive a blind bagged MMB, handpainted by none other than PK. Those lucky enough will have the chance to open up their bags and either receive a Sugar Cookie, Red Rub, Devil, Curse Bat, or Poison Touch colorway. Plus a couple secret colorways in mini form! I wonder what they can be?! Retail will be $100 + S&H. Winners will be notified via email within 4 days of the Mini Mockbatpocalypse.

Posted by Kristoffer @ 11:05 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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