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Jun 16, 2016

Secret Fresh Presents: Checkmate ++ - Otto Bjornik's Shah Mat Dunny Release and Signing (6.19)


On Sunday, June 19th at 6PM, make your way over to Secret Fresh for Otto Bjornik's solo exhibition Checkmate ++, as well as the Shah Mat Dunny Release and signing. Checkmate ++ will feature pieces from Otto's Phosphenes Series, as well as some customs from his Bai Chu and Wood Elves series. Also on display will be drawings on paper that were inspired by the ancient game of chess, which eventually would bring forth the creation of Otto and Kidrobot's Shah Mat Dunny Chess SetShah Mat Dunny Chess Set. Join the Secret Fresh crew and hang out with Otto for what will be a fun night!

Secret Fresh

G/F RONAC Art Center, Ortigas Ave.
Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila.


IMG_20150416_201434 wood-elf2Queen's Gambit P1230151

Posted by Jack @ 09:28 PM in Release Event , Shows | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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