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Sep 09, 2016

C/S : Chaz/Slick with Respect Mural Print Release (9.9)


Join Chaz Bojorquez, OG Slick and David Flores at the historic Hollywood Sound Recorders studio building (now O Studio) for the official release party for the C/S: Chaz/Slick with Respect print release—based on the mural project (1xRun Interview) on two-facing corners of the legendary siteon Friday (9.9) at 7 PM.  The first 20 C/S print sets featuring all three of the 1xRun screen prints (editions of 150) will be available at the event.  The event will also feature select original works from each artist.

Completed awhile back, the Hollywood Sound Recorders project also includes David Flores’ mural portrait of Frank Sinatra—one of several greats who laid down tracks at the studio—with a stylish signature script assist from Mr. Bojorquez.  To celebrate the mural, 1xRun is releasing the Hollywood Sound print series in staggered fashion with both C/S 1 (150 pcs, $150) and David Flores x Chaz Bojorquez Frank (100 pcs, $150) prints currently available.


C/S: Chaz/Slick w/respect Print Release
Friday 9.9.16 (7-11 PM) 

O Gallery LA
6367 Selma Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Posted by Jack @ 04:28 PM in Prints , Release Event | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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