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Dec 03, 2016
Tokyo Comic Con – Nippon SFX Kaiju Monster Encyclopedia
The first-ever Tokyo Comic Con brings a much-needed show focused on entertainment – Movies, Gaming, VR, Collectibles and more. Several curated exhibits highlight specific brews of movie magic, complimenting the vendor booths. Nippon SFX Kaiju Monster Encyclopedia –the largest exhibit—explores the mostly unappreciated art and skill of bringing monsters and beasts to life, from full-size creatures to the makeup used to transform actors into the fantastic. In particular, the work of master FX artist Kakusei Fujiwara is front and center including his work on the live action adaptation of the popular anime, Death Note (above). Hit the jump for more of his creations as well as frights from Soichi Umezawa and others. Kaiju SFX Monster Encyclopedia is one of several TCC exhibits curated by Tomenosuke’s Shinji Nakako.
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