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Jun 27, 2017
Skydiver McGuire Release with Martellus Bennett at Rotofugi (7.1)
Rotofugi will host NFL Tight End Martellus Bennett for a release, signing and Q & A for his new Skydiver McGuire figure (10”) on Saturday (7.1) from 11 – 1 PM CDT. Bennet’s first vinyl figure is of an alter ego secret agent character and captures his experience of ‘jumping in’ to the world of art and creativity. Available in five colorways limited to 100 pieces each ($165), the figure features a stylish sculpt with fun details including a streamlined jumpsuit, slick goggles with fun bandana style strap, super swanky parachute, and teched out shoes. At first I thought the goggles might be removable since it appeared they were positioned above the ‘eyes’ – turns out those are side burns – check the box shot. If you can’t make the event, the figures are also available directly from the artist’s web shop.
Martellus Bennett – Skydiver McGuire Release Event
Saturday, July 1st 2017 (11 AM -1 PM)
2780 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
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