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Aug 28, 2017

Marsham Toy Hour – S2 E18 & E19 with Gary Rozanski and Macy McKenny


We’ve got three hours of solid podcast content coming from your way from Marsham Toy Hour! Last weeks guest is coming all the way from the U.K. and is representing the crew of the The Toy Chronicle, Gary Rozanski. They really get into the world of toy blogging and content creating when it comes to getting toy news out. They also bringing up all the different bearded artist and the need for more bearded toys.



This weeks episode brings you another special guest by the name of Macy McKenny, who is a full-time polymer self taught sculptor and designer. She quite her regular day job to pursue sculpting, as her Instagram blew up with the help of Buzzfeed. Be sure to give both of these great episodes a listen!

Posted by Kristoffer @ 09:39 PM in Heads Up | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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