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Nov 08, 2017

3DRetro @ DesignerCon: Gary Baseman Minis and Anesthesia Bust by Doktor A


3DRetro is going deep this year with a seemingly ever-expanding DesignerCon lineup.  Today’s news includes two of their  brand-new productions.  From the mind and hands of Doktor A comes the new Anesthesia bust. Will the mysterious, veiled steam punk beauty take away your pain? The debut white edition (50 pcs, $100) will be available at the show from 3DRetro and Dok A will be happy to sign ‘em at his booth [#114]. To celebrate the mysterious one’s debut, each buyer will receive a free bonus pin with which to spread Anesthesia’s tale.

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From big to mini, 3DRetro’s new Gary Baseman Keshi Minis shrink the magic of a pair of the artist’s signature characters into a cubicle-friendly form.   These will be sold in blind-bags featuring a Toby and a Hot Cha Cha Cha in random colors.  At $4 a bag these are definitely  must-haves and would make great stocking stuffers. 


Posted by Jack @ 12:20 AM in DesignerCon 2017 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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