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Nov 09, 2017

Nathan Ota x 3DRetro – Coozie for DesignerCon


Painter Nathan Ota has collaborated once again with 3DRetro to bring his ethereal, arboreal paintings to life as a brand-new vinyl art toy debuting as a preview release at DesignerCon from the 3DRetro booth [#532]. Coozie features his recurring half tree/half boy character who’s often  seen exploring his forest surroundings. With the new toy, Coozie is seen sitting atop a low tree stump. At first glance he seems to merge with the tree, the separation between the two blurring into a shared identity. If you‘re wondering about the character’s name, in his graffiti days, Nathan used to write ‘COOZ’.

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Posted by Jack @ 07:22 PM in DesignerCon 2017 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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