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May 02, 2018

Kasing Lung x How2work at Thailand Toy Expo (5.3 – 5.6)


How2Work will be at Thailand Toy Expo with releases from 009, Bubi, Don’t Cry in the Morning,   Kasing Lung, Kohei Ogawa, and  Prodip Leung—Reiki Starchild! Kasing Lung will release several special editions at the show via a special lottery open to those who purchase one of the regular How2Work figures.  The special drops include:

1. Labubu x HugHugCat
2. Zimomo black ver.
3. Zimomo Lunar
4. Zimomo Mauer
5. Zimomo Revolt
6. Labubu Aurora
7. Labubu Halo
8. Spooky Sorrow
9. Tycoco Phantom
10. Bloom Labubu
11. Bloem Labubu
12. “New Secret Character”

Posted by Jack @ 11:42 AM in Thailand Toy Expo 2018 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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