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Dec 21, 2018

3DRetro Food Drive + Holiday Sale (12.22)


3DRetro is celebrating the season by looking out for all with a special Holiday Food Drive + Sale event on Saturday (12.22) from 10 AM to 7 AM at their Glendale location.  Bring in a can of food and get a special discount on everything in the store: 50% during the first hour (10 – 11 AM), 40% during the second hour (11am – Noon), and 30% the rest of the day.

The spirit of giving continues with the first 50 people through the door receiving a free gift bag. Also, customers who spend $15 or more will receive a free special Medicom x Funko Anniversary cereal with limited-edition Be@rbrick inside. 

3DRetro will also be raffling off Keith Haring Be@rbricks – 1000% and a 100% + 400% set. Earn  one ticket by donating canned food and one ticket for every $30 spent during the event.

Finally, drop by to enjoy free treats—coffee, coco and donuts.

1851 Victory Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91201

Posted by Jack @ 09:02 PM in Heads Up | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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