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Feb 11, 2019

Celebrate the Day After Valentine's with Black Ahwroo by Gary Baseman and 3DRetro (2.15)

AR_black2Valentine's Day is right around the corner as seen by the wave of light pastel pink toys set to drop shortly.  Turing the holiday on its head, Gary Baseman is eschewing "light and pretty" for "dark and vicious" with the new 3DRetro Exclusive Black Ahwroo vinyl.  Though it's definitely not pink, it does have plenty of bright, crimson red to go around.

Pick up the 3DRetro Exclusive Black Ahwroo from 3DRetro.com and their Glendale location on Friday, February 15th.


Posted by Jack @ 05:48 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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