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Feb 20, 2019

Chris Ryniak — GID Smidgens + Instant Collection Sets (2.20)


The Smidgens are back in a brand-new GID edition.  Chris Ryniak will release the GID Smidgens ($18) as part of tonight's release (2.20) at 6 PM PST from his web shop.  As seen in the pic above, these little guys glow a nice aqua shade rather than the traditional green.  Hit the jump for pics in normal lighting and under a black light—all the rage these days.

If you're late to the Smidgens party, Ryniak will also be dropping a small quantity of  special 'Instant Collection' sets featuring either three (blue, orange black) or four Smidgens (+ GID).  This is the perfect way to grow your collection quickly.


Posted by Jack @ 10:17 AM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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