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Jun 21, 2019

Jim Dreams x Unbox Industries — Chubbi Chunk in New Colors (6.22)


Chubbi Chunk—such a clever play on 'chibi'—is back in five new colors.  Jim Dreams' signature character returns in a super cute, standing mini version (3.5"), based on the seated Chunk mini in the recent Unbox & Friends series.  Previously released in the OG blue, Superman Toys (HK) Exclusive Smash (green) and TTE exclusive Tropical (red) editions, Unbox is set to release five new colors of Chubbi Chunk—Black, GID, Gray, Pink and Yellow—for $25 each or $125 for the set of five.   The new colors drop this Saturday (6.22) at 8 AM PDT from the Unbox shop.


Posted by Jack @ 03:30 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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