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Oct 03, 2019

BOUNCE — Limited Bounce Man Drop at TTF


If you missed out on the pre-order for the 1/6 Bounce Man deluxe figure from Taiwanese graffiti artist Bounce, you'll be happy to know that he'll have roughly 20 of the figures available at Taipei Toy Festival on October 10th.  It also sounds like he's trying to assess if he has enough quantity to open up another pre-order.

Bounce Man takes the artist's signature speaker-head spray can vandal into the 1/6 realm with a gritty, yet stylish portrayal. Taking his profession strictly seriously, Bounce Man is armed with the ultimate in painting tech —a shoulder-fired multi-can spray gun.  From the concept to the color scheme to the load-out, this is an impressive drop.


Posted by Jack @ 07:17 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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