Oct 13, 2012
Pushead @ NYCC
Pushead continued his annual NYCC event at Toy Tokyo earlier this afternoon. Following last year's successful and quite popular back room setting, this year's event was held in the rear corridor behind the booth -- allowing each collector a personal and private experience. Pushead graciously gave Vinyl Pulse a quick peek of the production releases which included a Rebel Captain, a Skull Captain, a Skull Pirate, a Skull Wing and a pair of Siamese Skull Wings. Enjoy the photos after the jump.
NYCC Flash: MAD Signing @ myplasticheart
MAD signed for fans and collectors at the myplasticheart booth on Friday afternoon. He brought along the new Bruce Lee minis from Round 5, as well as sever resin mini MADLs, a few solid color 10” vinyl MADL’s and a black proto of the upcoming Modern hero resin. Since the line continued to grow as his official signing session ended, he then switched to the side table to sign and sketch for all of his fans.
Modern Hero looks really good up close. While the proto has a bit of a matte finish, the final production pieces will be nice and glossy. An original Modern Hero figure has been awhile in the works, though the wait is almost over. Look for an end-of-the year drop.
NYCC Flash: Sitting Mini Greasebat Proto
Monster Worship brought an impressive lineup of new releases to NYCC, which includes the debut black release of the Mini Greasebat figure from Jeff Lamm. Adding to the excitement for Greasebat fans, they are showed off a proto of sitting mini during their Friday timeslot at the Onell booth (#3216). If you missed ‘em, MW will be back at the booth on Saturday (10.13) from 4-7 PM.
NYCC Flash – Ron English Black+White Porcelean Mc Supersized

Clutter revealed the upcoming half black/half white porcelain Mc Supersized from Ron English and k.olin tribu at its NYCC booth (#3004). As a nice touch, the big dollar pendant features the half-half split of the figure only in reverse order. The new figure is available for pre-order for $750 (50% deposit required).
NYCC Flash: RAWR’s Bitsumo, Pandit and Yaocho

Dai Tran has expanded the world of Bitsumo. In addition to the original smaller Bitsumos, he’s also offering the new 7” Bitsumo XL, 7” enemy Pandit figures as well as the copper colored Yaocho – who brings his own chaotic energy as a wildcard in the struggle for supremacy between Bitsumo and the Pandit legions. Yaocho features the Bitsumo body with a fearsome skull style head and new mawashi. Check out the new figures and Tees at the Rawrs booth (#3315).
Buff Monster x Mishka – Bootleg Kaiju Customs @ NYCC
In between NYCC and various parties, Buff Monster has been finding time to drop into his painting studio to work on his Bootleg Kaiju customs – including the one above which just popped up on Instagram. That brings the circle of Bootleg Kaiju painters to four – creator Lamour Supreme, Skinner, Shigeru, and now the pink one. Buff will be releasing his Bootleg Kaijus at the Mishka Booth (#3011).
Oct 11, 2012
Paul Kaiju for NYCC
It’s not a major toy event without some Paul Kaiju action! Taking place this Friday at 5PM at the Lulubell Toys booth #3108, PK will be dropping his some goods you wont want to miss out on! Extremely limited quantities of his Red Fuzz Mockbat, Electric Punch Boss Carrion, Candy Corn Salamander Joe, and Black Cat Salamander Joe will be available. Good luck to everyone!
NYCC Flash: Dudebox
Dudebox is set to make a big impression with its massive island style booth featuring a toy sales area on one end and an impressive display area anchored by three massive Dude customs by Ron English. As you know, Dudebox has a heavy release schedule with four large Dudes and the first two Pete Fowler and Fiends drops with very reasonable pricing ($30 for 7.5" Dudes and $25 for the fiends). If you are going to the 'con, be sure to check out the new figures at booth #2915 -- you can't miss it.
Blogged on iPad.
NYCC Flash: Rsin x Kidrobot -- NYCC Exclusive Agent K 3" Dunny
Kidrobot is showing off their NYCC Exclusive Agent K Dunny from top-flight toy customizer Rsin. The purple + green 3" Dunny with the cosmic overbite and ray gun goes on sales on Friday at the KR booth (2909) from noon to 2 with Rsin signing for collectors. Be sure to drop by Rsin's table at the Tenacious Toys booth (#3121) to check out his customs including the giant Agent K.
Blogged on iPad.
Buff Monster @ NYCC

While he’s waited awhile to reveal his plans for NYCC, Buff Monster is going to be all over this year’s show with several new releases. Fans of his ‘The Melty Misfits’ sticker card series, are in for a double helping with both an NYCC exclusive Melty Misfits pack ($5/pack) and the debut of the uber-limited Japanese Melty Misfits ($5 per pack). As with the SDCC exclusive, the new exclusive Melty Misfits Pack features one exclusive card with a variant sketch-style back and ‘con logo. With the Japanese Melty Misfits, Buff Monster completely embraces his inner geek with this short-run featuring the S1 card designs complete with Japanese text, and all-new wax pack and display box graphics. Both releases will be available at the Sidekick booth (#3117). Buff will be signing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday @ 2-3 PM each day.
But wait… there’s more. No, not ginsu knives… On Friday, Buff will be offering hand-painted customs of his mini-figs (9 total) during his signing/sketching session at the KR booth (#2909) with Lamour Supreme and David Healey. And on Saturday, Buff will be holding it down at the Mishka booth (#3011) with a brand new Mishka Tee and some other surprises that you definitely need to check out. Yes, you can exhale… the information dump is complete.
Oct 10, 2012
myplasticheart’s NYCC Exclusive Healeymade Releases
And we thought myplasticheart was done with their NYCC Exclusives. We were wrong, as seen above and below are some goodies coming from Healey Made. Take a look at the Natives Black Collar Edition, which stands 4” tall in one-off exclusive colors for $65 each.
Then we have the Hex and Deuce Nelson figures in the mph exclusive colorways of clear frosted violet and frosted haze. Each retailing $20 and can only be found at the mph booth #3313.
L’amour Supreme x Mishka x Adfunture – New Bootleg Head
It will most certainly be a big NYCC for L’amour Supreme and Mishka, as they have just revealed their newest Bootleg head! Sculpted by L’amour, the all new “Keep Watch” head will fit snugly into any of your Bootleg figures from Adfunture. They will be available at their booth #3011. Note: Body Not Included. While we’re at it, take a look at the all black MOTUKU figures after the jump. Those will be available too!
Tristan Eaton x Dudebox -- Fib Fairy Fiend @ NYCC
Dudebox has revealed their 2nd figure in the Pete Fowler & Fiends line by none other than Tristan Eaton -- designer of the Dunny and Munny platforms and so much more. Rendered in brown and yellow hues, Tristan's Fib Fairy is based on the 'Owen' sculpt and makes good use of the bulbous head shape. This one really stands out among Dudebox's NYCC lineup. Fib Fairy will be available at the Dudebox booth (#2915) starting on Thursday (10.11) and at usa.dudebox.com.
Carson Catlin @ NYCC
For NYCC, Carson Catlin will unleash an army of his improbably awesome, signature, meticulously cut customs at the TenaciousToys booth (#3121). First up are the CMYKats Qees ($200, $600 for four) in four colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Next up are his Reticulated Dunnys in various color combos ($50). Four of the Dunnys will be released at the beginning of the 'con with the other six reserved for his signing on Saturday (10.13) @ 2 PM. For the finale, Catlin has worked his wizardry on an 18" Qee ($500) in a light green + red color combo.
Blogged on iPad @ 30k feet
Oct 09, 2012
Dudebox NYCC Signing Schedule & Parsons Uneveiling
Here to help you out with your NYCC itineraries is the complete signing schedule for the Dudebox booth #2915. Signing at their booth will be none other than Ron English and Pete Fowler. There will also be a live art battle with Secret Walls!
Also on Thursday, October 11th, along with Parsons is the unveiling of the winning students design of a Dudebox figure. The four finalists Loren Kang, Anastasia Lonkin, Katrina Richter, and Cindy Tan will be on display at the special event. They will also announce the winning design, which will go into production, as well as a cash prize. This event will take place at 6:30PM, so don’t miss out! Check out the designs after the jump!
Brutherford x Clutter Magazine – NYCC Exclusive ‘Dork Knight’ Edition Ice Scream Man
Brutherford Industries will be attending this years NYCC and they will be releasing their ‘Dork Knight’ Edition Ice Scream Man toy at the Clutter Magazine Booth #3004. Limited to 30 pieces, this exclusive release features the signature vintage batman colors with a zip atone cone wrapper and domino mask. This full sized edition (8”) will retail $110. You can also find Brutherford at the booth on Friday, October 12th from 4-7PM and Sunday, October 14th from Noon-5PM, where they will be signing and selling some special goodies as well. Those not able to make it toy NYCC, they will have them available online on their website on Saturday, October 13th.
myplasticheart’s NYCC Exclusive Shawnimals Pork O’ Lanterns
We thought there wasn’t going to be any more Shawnimals exclusives for the myplasticheart booth #3313 at NYCC. We were wrong! Just in time for the Halloween season, we have the Pork O’Lantern. This special edition Pocket Pork Dumplings feature 2 different faces and will be available as blind boxes for $12 each. Who do you like better? The happy or the not so happy version?
myplasticheart’s NYCC Exclusive Andrew Bell Albino Edition Glop in a Box
myplasticheart is proud to announce the latest of mphlabs and Andrew Bell’s divine creation, Glop in a Box. The Albino Edition will be exclusive to the mph booth #3313 at NYCC. There is also a ‘slightly toasted’ Glop chase in 1 of every 5 Glops. They will retail at $100 each. Be sure to catch Andrew at the booth on Saturday from 2-3PM. This should be a hot item!
myplasticheart’s NYCC Exclusive Ryan the Wheelbarrow Customs
NYCC is just around the corner and myplasticheart keeps pumping out the exclusive releases. At their booth #3313, Ryan The Wheelbarrow will be dropping some customs, including pieces from his “kinda blu” ty_po Dunnys series. They will only be a run of 7 pieces in blind box form, with a special “[O8BSTACLES]” chase. Each blind box will be available for $75 each. Ryan has also customized his first Fonzo figures, titled “Hint Hint Wink Wink”. This will also be available at the booth for $150.
Oct 07, 2012
VISEone’s NYCC Tube Monster Release Details for Tenacious Toys Booth
Here is a quick update on VISEone’s Tube Monster release at the Tenacious Toys booth #3121 at NYCC. All three colorways (black, green, red) will be available in limited quantities, then they will soon be released at different times through DKE toys. They will be available for $15 each or $40 for all 3. What a deal! VISE will also be signing on Friday, October 12th at 2PM.
myplasticheart’s NYCC Exclusive Brent Nolasco’s ‘The Rise of the Fallen’
Brent Nolasco has been pumping out a bunch of goods for the myplasticheart booth #3313 at NYCC. Here we have his ‘The Rise of the Fallen’ resin figure in collaboration with Dodgrr, which is also limited to 3 pieces for $195. Don’t forget to catch Brent at the MPH booth on Saturday at 12PM.
More about the Dark Descendants
After the planet was destroyed by countless wars and the final nuclear fall out, the entire human race was demolished. Only fragments of animal life were leftover. Decades passed, and new life started to grow from the destruction.From all the bits and fragments of man and nature, new super creatures started to evolve and make their way throughout the earth. The broken became whole again.
Mishka for NYCC
Mishka will have their own booth #3011 once again at NYCC. Just posted are two release they plan dropping during the weekend. First is their collaboration Hellbox figure with Cure-Toys, which features the signature Mishka Eyeball. A suitable choice for the body style, me likey! Also up for grabs will be the collaborative figure with Mishka x L’amour Supreme x Healeymade. The Cave Guard features a nice red vinyl. Whether kept unpainted painted, this will be a hot release at NYCC. We cannot forget about L’amour’s Mixed part bootlegs from Adfunture. You cannot go wrong with unpainted mix part releases! What else do these guys have up their sleeves?
Uamou for NYCC
Ayako Takagi, best known as Uamou will be attending NYCC for another year! Also attending NYCC is her Brother, who will be bringing some YuuSyokuYa Boo's exclusive Manpuku Uamous. Her Father will also be there with some hand crafted tribal Uamou masks. A lot of talent seems to run through that family. Also making an appearance is her ‘Real Uamou’ figure with RealxHead for a special pre-release. She will be at the Onell Design booth #3216 all weekend!
Monster Worship for NYCC
Following up with Monster Worship’s NYCC Exclusive Mini Greasebat and Thee Black Heksen releases are a few more figures we think you would be very much interested in! First up is the Glow edition of the Altar Beast, which features silver, white, and black details and will retail $45 each. Second up to bat is Cannibal Fuckface, also in a glow vinyl with orange, black, silver, and white details and will be available for $85 each. You can’t forget about the Rottweiler Herpes figure in a glow in the dark vinyl with orange sores, red death hosen, yellow, silver grey, and black details for $85. Not yet featured is their exclusive Kusogon. Stay tuned for pictures when announced. They will be releasing a limited amount of their goods at the Onell Design booth #3216 every day.
10/11 Thursday: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Releasing limited quantities of: CFF, RH and AB)
10/12 Friday: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Releasing: Mini GB, Heksen, Kusogon, CFF, RH, AB)
10/13 Saturday: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (ALL)
Toy Tokyo Signing Times & Exclusives for NYCC
Here is something that may help out your schedules for the weekend of NYCC. Toy Tokyo has just listed their exclusives, as well as signing times for their booth #3303. It looks as though they will have a nice mishmash of everything, from designer toys and action figures! Something to tickle everyone’s fancy!
Friday Signings:
Saturday Signings:
On Saturday, October 13, Kirk Hammett will be signing his figure KIRK VON HAMMETT at our NYCC Booth #3303. How do you get your hands on this sweet figure and have it signed by Kirk Hammett? The chance will be determine by lottery.
Here's how it works:
Step 1 - Pickup a lottery ticket at our booth (#3303) beginning as soon as the doors open at NYCC on Friday, October 12
Step 2 - Write your name and number on one half of the ticket (which we keep) and you hold on to the other half.
Step 3 - Show up at our booth (#3303) on Saturday, October 13 at 11:30am for the drawing and cross your fingers. Very Important! You must be present when your ticket is called.
Step 4 - If your ticket is called then you will purchase your figure and return at 1PM to meet Kirk Hammett and have him sign it.
Other Exclusives: