Sep 12, 2007
Seen: Toy Karma @ Rotofugi
Celebrating art and toys inspired by Japanese vintage toys, Toy Karma opened this past Saturday @ Rotofugi in Chicago. Eastern vinyl is on the rise driven largely by the interest in Kaiju. Curator Mark Nagata (Max Toy Company) brought together the very best in the genre. While we didn't make the trip out, Kirkland Jue (Toybot Studios) did and he sent back these shots (Flickr set) of the evening. Looks like a truly awesome show -- with so much goodness including the original art, candy colored customs, and of course the numerous exclusives (many revealed right here). Rotofugi has a few of the show exclusives still in stock including Mark Nagata's cool Boy Karma. Stay tuned, a second round of Toy Karma may be in the works...
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Sep 08, 2007
Toy Karma - Cronic Exclusive Bakurasu
Toy Karma starts in less than an hour at Rotofugi ( 7 to 11 PM) tonight Saturday, September 8th.. Here's our final preview of the exclusive figures -- a GID Bakurasu from Cronic. Awesome. We'll have full coverage of the show shortly.
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Sep 06, 2007
Steve Forde's Deep Camo Mechabot Custom @ Toy Karma
When the going gets tough, Mechabot gets down and dirty. Steve Forde (Go Hero) created this one of a kind Deep Camo Mechabot Custom for the Toy Karma show opening this Saturday, September 8th from 7 to 11 PM @ Rotofugi. While iridescent paint is often used on smooth surfaces for an oh so sleek look, Steve's use of them on the heavily textured surface offers a nice contrast and effect. Need it? The asking price is a very reasonable $200.
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Sep 05, 2007
Toy Karma Exclusive - Real x Head Painted Chaos
Yesterday we showed you the unpainted version, so today here's a look at the Toy Karma Exclusive Real x Head Painted Chaos figure. Pretty cool -- green base vinyl with wild blues and pinks. A friend mentioned that it reminds them of Easter and candy. It's certainly delicious eye candy. Toy Karma opens this Saturday, September 8th 2007 @ Rotofugi from 7 to 11 PM. If you dig kaiju and vintage Japanese vinyl, this is the one for you. We're proud to be one of the show sponsors.
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Sep 04, 2007
Toy Karma Exclusive: Real x Head Unpainted Chaos
Update: Date corrected to September 8th, 2007. Thanks Rain.
Here's a look at another Toy Karma exclusive figure, the Real x Head Unpainted Chaos. This one is made of dark blue vinyl and has a sweet amber pupil. There's also one more Real x Head exclusive -- you guessed it, a painted version. To be revealed shortly... Toy Karma, curated by Mark Nagata, opens on Saturday, September 8th from 7 to 11 PM at Rotofugi (Chicago).
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622