Dec 06, 2008

Amanda Visell’s Dragon Scout Revealed

001You see it first on Vinyl Pulse, Amanda Visell’s Dragon Scout. Wanna see it in person??swing by tonight for The Switcheroo Workshop Open House and Vinyl Toy Network after party. 

Switcheroo Workshop
543-B S Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91105



Posted by Jack @ 01:21 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Aug 12, 2008

Gargamel’s August Releases


This month Gargamel is unleashing a slew of kaiju madness. August 16th is going to be a Thrash Out 4th Anniversary release for several newly designed figures. We get to see some of our favorites such as the Zagoran, Smogun, and the HedroanXCircus Punk. From Bwana’s line we will see a new Globby and Killer which is good for all your Bwana heads. Also to be released will be the Eaton, Devastator Zandora, and Unchi Kin. Be sure to keep a close eye out on your local retailers for this awesome release. More pictures after the jump. [Pictures Via Gargamel]


Posted by Kristoffer @ 11:21 PM in Heads Up , Incoming , Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Jul 27, 2006

Itokin Park's Kawadoji

Itokin Park has been a busy dude this summer, he is at the tail end of sculpting his next resin toy, Kawadoji. This 4" tall toy consists of ten parts. The head and hards are articulated.  Like the toys before him, Kawadoji is all hand made by Itokin Park. It will be available sometime the end of August. Want one? Just stay tuned and you will find out how to own one of these cuddly cucumber fellas. Till then, check out these pictures Itokin sent our way, "The Making of Kawadoji"!!!

Posted by Francine @ 07:38 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (2) |

Jul 13, 2006

Secret Base x Usugrow Box Set

Today is the 13th and Span of Sunset just released the final Secret Base/13th release: Secret Base X Usugrow box-set. This will set you back $110 and is available through SoS website. It is uber limited so if you have the itch, grab it while it lasts!!

Posted by Francine @ 05:25 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (1) |

Apr 14, 2006

Toby on Vacation

Wanna know what Toby has been up to lately? Let's just say he went south of the border, Venezuela to be exact. Along with the ride was Gary Baseman who gave a nine hour lecture, attended a political demonstration, flew on a 1953 DC 3...don't believe me?? Well, just check out the vacation photos Toby sent.

Posted by Francine @ 05:05 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (1) |

Apr 13, 2006

The Release of Super7 x Blobpus

Just a quick reminder. This orange and black  Super7  exclusive Blobpus, Pumpkin Guts, will drop on April 15th  @ 12 noon. Snag one @ $75 either at the store or online . There will be a live instore music performance by   Mike Park, Shinobu and Sanawon @ 2pm.  So why not swing by to get your toy and stay a bit to enjoy an afternoon with the folks at Super7.

Posted by Francine @ 04:15 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 30, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo

The Vinyl Pulse store is now officially open for business!!! (I always wanted to say that :-) Click here to buy your Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo. Thank you all for your support!!!

Posted by Francine @ 10:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (4) |

Mar 29, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo

Hey kids!!! They have arrived!!! All 30 Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse exclusive green Robos are sitting in my living room waiting to find new homes. They will go on sale Thursday March 30th at 10:00 a.m. PST. Here's the link to our store. He is priced at US$50 each excluding shipping and if any CA tax. Currently we only take Paypal. Be first in line to snag one before they all disappear!!!

Posted by Francine @ 08:34 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (8) |

Broken Heart Robot Update

We have a update for the Broken Heart Robot we featured a while ago. Here's the 411....Broken Heart Robot will initially come in 3 colorways with a tentative price tag as follows:

* Standard Edition - $39.95 (limited to 500 pieces)
* GID Edition - $59.95 (limited to 250 pieces)
* SDCC Exclusive Clear Edition - $75 (?)

The Standrad and GID edition currently has a release date late April/early May. The SDCC clear edition will be available at SDCC in July at the DKE Toys Booth. There will also be a very limited number of Blanks (around 50 pieces) for customizing which will be available directly from GENSHI:TOY at a tentative price of $39.95.

Posted by Francine @ 06:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 24, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo

Yesterday we revealed the finished Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse exclusive green colorway resin Robo. Today let's take a look at all the extra stuff he comes with. Besides the background, he also comes with a Collector Card with the edition number,  Kazuhiko's signature and a cute little doodle of Robo.  A Fukusuke tag is also attached to Robo. Fukusuke is a Japanese symbol inviting happiness and money, which we all need lots more of, don't we??? There is also a cute little Fukuzuke button. The Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse  Robo, limited to 30 numbered pieces, will go on sale next week. And yes, that is Kazuhiko on the left!!!


Posted by Francine @ 08:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (20) |

Mar 23, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo Part 4

Ta Da!!!Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse exclusive green Robo colorway is all completed!!! Here you see him on a background, Itokin Park created just for Vinyl Pulse. Be sure to check back tomorrow and see all the "extras" he comes with !!! And you also get a peek at the elusive artist himself!!

Posted by Francine @ 10:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (4) |

Mar 22, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robot Part 3

Today we take a look at the completion of the  Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse exclusive green colorway Robo. Having done the head and body, Itokin Park now focuses on the multi color "tie". He had to mask off each individual section separately to paint the 4 different colors. He not only did this once, but over and over again until all Robos got their "tie".  With all the parts ready, Itokin Park moves on to assemble the toy piece by piece. The window box also received its final treatment and  was prepared for packing. Come back tomorrow and you shall see the completed Robo and we are just 2 more days to see all the "extras" he comes with!!

Posted by Jack @ 06:30 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 21, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo Part 2

Part 2 of Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo reveals the painted heads and bodies of our exclusive green colorway. Sticks of green nobs that hardly looked like anything were set out to dry. Rows of freshly painted bodies waiting to be "installed" onto the heads. And finally the insertion of the painted face into the hollowed space. It is always amazing to see the  process of making a toy, but I am in greater awe that this "factory" is actually Itokin Park's cramped apartment in Japan. Imagine that!!! Check back tomorrow to see Robo near its completion.   

Posted by Francine @ 05:45 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (15) |

Mar 20, 2006

Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse Robo

Japanese toy artist, Kazuhiko Ito aka Itokin Park is famous for his hand made hard vinyl toys. For all of his works, from his earlier Rabbit Pilot to his most recent creation, Itokin Park  meticulously hand designs, hand crafts, hand paints and hand assembles them all.  His effort does not stop at just the toy. He also self-designs the box and the background that compliments his cuddly creatures. It is with this  passion that Vinyl Pulse chose him to bring you our very first exclusive toy!

Itokin Park's newest toy, Robo, is 3 inches tall with articulation in his head  and both robotic arms. For the next few days,we will disclose the "making of" VP's exclusive green colorway Robo. You will get to see each step Itokin Park took from early sculpts to the finish painted toy. At the end of the series, Robo will be available for adoption. Details will follow, so check in for daily updates.

Today, let's take a peek at the early sculpts of Robo and the construction of the window box it comes in. The first 2 photographs shows  unpainted Robo heads and bodies neatly lined up, waiting for Itokin Park to work his magic. The next 2 photographs show how Itokin Park prints and constructs the box Robo comes in. The boxes were held together with rubber bands waiting for the glue to set in. Check back tomorrow to see more  of this special little fella.

Posted by Francine @ 05:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (6) |

Jan 18, 2006

Ultra Monstrous Beast

Check this out!! This is a creature that appeared in the ever popoular Japanese TV series, Ultra Man. He is now a PVC toy standing at just about 6.5 inches tall. I find him oddly attractive. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear he's available state-side.  What do you guys think him?

Posted by Francine @ 06:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (4) |

Jan 03, 2006

Camille Rose Garcia's dolls

A few months ago, at her show "The Saddest Place on Earth", Camille Rose Garcia revealed her first set of vinyl toys by Necessaries Toy Foundation. The 4 sister dolls set consists of Cherry, Lulu, Patch and of course the conjoined twins Katie and Sadie. At 14 inches tall, they are among the most impressive toys within my collection. However, to some collectors, their height may have been the source of their stability problem. Some collectors also have concerns with the glue marks on the toys. With further inspection of my set, there are some slight glue marks and Katie/Sadie's middle foot is shorter. With some effort I managed to prop her up sturdily.  One point I would like to  make about the dolls is the wonderful color scheme they are painted in, which brought out each doll's playful personality. These dolls are definitely keepers since they may be Camille's only ever vinyl toys released. Being environmentally conscientious, Camille has expressed that she may not make any more vinyl toys in the future. So, you must get at least one of the dolls if not the whole set. Or you may be a lucky winner in a VP contest coming soon.

It was raining through out New Year's weekend but I managed to sneak in a few no-rain moments with the dolls at a local park. Take a look at the sisters taking their turns on the slides!!!




Katie and Sadie

Posted by Francine @ 06:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (5) |

Dec 16, 2005

Mizuki's Spirit Toys

Shigeru Mizuki is one of my favorite Japanese animators. Needless to say his toys are even more  desirable. A month ago, I had a post about his "spirits" toys and today I found new additions to this devilish collection. Currently, they are unavailable overseas so I guess I'm gonna have to wait until I visit Japan next month. Hopefully, I will be able to come home with cases of toys...can't wait!!!




Happy Yak-i

Youkai Set

Posted by Francine @ 10:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Nov 26, 2005

JLed's Mr. Bunny Triplets

Joe Ledbetter's Mr. Bunny vinyl figures from Wheaty Wheat Studios have made a huge splash on the scene.  The ultra-limited (50 pieces) black/yellow KR exclusive Lava Bunny sold out immediately.  The regular edition Yellow Mr. Bunny (400 pieces) has been completely distributed to retailers and is pretty hard to come by for retail price.  The coveted blue Sno Bunny edition (just 100 pieces) should be available any day now from retailers.

These figures are an excellent representation of Joe Ledbetter's unique 2D drawing style.  JLed's signature character has made the jump to 3D as  one of the most unique designer toys available today.  Wheaty Wheat is quite proud of the JLed series toys and rightfully so.  The design of these toys is meticulous right down to the metal inserts in Mr. Bunny's ears to prevent droopiness.  Beyond the figure, the packaging is sweet.  The box panels contain 3 amazing JLed illustrations including a nice yin/yang pair - one featuring a dolphin and the other featuring a ravenous shark. 

Many collectors are frustated about the relatively small edition sizes for Mr. Bunny.  Wheaty Wheat decided on the print runs back when JLed was not the mega star that he is today.  Believe it or not, there was some question as to how well these would sell due to their very unique design.  Hindsight is 20/20, but the end result is an extremely desirable and highly sought after piece.  No doubt about it!

Posted by Francine @ 04:56 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (1) |

Melto-Fu from Meltdown Comics

To celebrate Meltdown Comics & Collectibles' 10th Anniversary, Mel the Logo Man, which was first created in 1996 for Meltdown by Oscar nominated cartoonist extraordinaire Dan Clowes, is brought to "life" by artists across the globe. Sculpted by the mysterious Japanese sculptor Monster5. Designed by To-Fu Oyoko creators, Devilrobots. Brought to you by Meltdown Comics & Collectibles. Standing at 8 inches tall, the Melto-Fu is a collaborative work years in making.  He is available in 2 versions, green and translucent blue both retailing at $40 each. The edition size for the green is 700 and the blue is 300,  which we have been told is running out fast.  These playful little fellows stand solidly on 3 feet, balancing their oblique squarish heads on a ball joint. Their heads and arms are articulated and move with easy without any hesitation, which makes them very poseable. The overall design of the toy and box gives them a 1960s feel, something you might have long forgotten you had packed away in the basement. But you don't have to go in search for them anymore, just hit Meltdown's website and snag a couple.

Posted by Francine @ 04:43 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (2) |

Nov 22, 2005

Giga Brain's Sin&Wombat

Just a quick post to show you Giga Brain's special edition of Sin&Wombat's garbage  monstrous beast ゴミラ, which is making an appearance at the World Characters Convention in Tokyo next month. Boy, don't I wish I can get my hands on one of these...hummmm...maybe I can??? (brain wheel is turning...turning.....)

Posted by Francine @ 09:55 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Nov 21, 2005

Super7 Exclusives!!!

You love Kaiju toys??? Well, this is for you.  From the wonderful people at Super7, here are some of the exclusive toys available from them. Check it out!!

Update: Sold out (11/22 @ 10:00 a.m.)
This set of 2 vinyl toys from Gargamel features a 9" translucent orange Hedoran with dark orange, red and yellow sprays and a mini 5" Hedoran cast in clear orange with the same color scheme. Only 15 were made and are only available for purchase by subscribers to Super7 magazine. At only $89.95 a pop (+$8 shipping), they are gonna to go fast!!!

This is an awesome toy!! The transforming Mechagodzilla is available for the very first time states side. Towering at 9", this fellow is cast in clear vinyl and painted with metallic blue, red and gold spray. A must have for the Godzilla hard core fan. It is priced at $69.95 ($6 shipping) from Super7.

This 2 piece vinyl figure set is a bit different from the one previously mentioned. The 9" orange Hedoran has a color scheme of blue, black, red and silver and its mini 5" Hedoran is cast in clear orange with the same color scheme. There are only 60 sets, so hurry and order yours from Super7 today!!

Check here to order any of the toys mentioned above.

Posted by Francine @ 09:03 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Nov 20, 2005

More Trexis!!!

Butt Bears

I love sets!! They make it easy to have a "complete" collection of a certain series, without too much hard work. Just in time for the holidays, Play Imaginative are coming out with several sets of 3" Trexis. Some of them are available individually and some are sold as sets. Make sure you get your hands on a few for yourself or for someone to get them started with their toy collecting hobby. They will love you for it....or maybe not!!!! I particularly like the Butt can embed a cool message with your gift!!!

David Horvath

King Kong Mania

Valentine's Day


Posted by Francine @ 02:32 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

10" Trexis are coming!!!

A while ago, we reported Play Imaginative's plans of making 10-inch Trexis, well, they are almost here. These special toys are not just huge but each comes with a little extra something,a 3-inch counterpart sits in the Trexi's head. They are being produced in 2 phases and here are pics of the first 5 from the first phase.




Darren Gan

David Horvath

Joe Ledbetter

Posted by Francine @ 01:43 PM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (4) |

Nov 13, 2005

Marmit Toys Part 1

Monstrous Beast 怪獣天国 ジャイアント・メカゴジラ

Marmit of Japan who brought us toys like the Scopedog, Ultraman M-1 and Godzilla 1954, are taking orders for new toys coming out next year. If you like monsters and creatures, well you are in luck. Take a look at  the monstrous beast  heaven giant  mechanic Godzilla ($98US 怪獣天国 ジャイアント・メカゴジラ), towering at over a feet tall, this lizard isn't your average toy. And as if this wasn't enough, Marmit has made    リアルソフビキット モゲラ ($39US) , a character from the Japanese XBox game, Terrestrial Defensive Troop X. Although this guy is under a feet tall, he is still one brutal toy and since he comes unpainted and unassembled, you will have the freedom to make him anyway you want it. Both of these toys are available through Marmit's website and the deadline to order is 12/15 and they will be shipped in 03/2006. If towering reptiles aren't your cup of tea, check out part 2 of this post.   

リアルソフビキット モゲラ

Posted by Francine @ 06:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Marmit Toys Part 2


Creatures from the sea....creatures from space....creatures from long ago..... creatures from WHO KNOWS WHERE!!!!  Check out Marmits's new line of creature toys.   カネゴン ($49US see above), is a character from Ultra Q, a Japanese sic-fi/horror TV series that mirrors our The Twilight Zone. Let your creative juices run wild since this guy comes unpainted and unassembled.  Don't think you can put together your own toy?? Then these are for you (see below). From another Japanese TV series, Ultra Seven comes Star Human ($60US メトロ) and finally space creatures ($40-$53US ドゴラ) from a Japanese sci-fi movie Space Large Monstrous Beast ( ドゴラ). Deadline to order is 11/15 and they will shipped in 02/2006. No words are needed to describe these toys...just take look at the pics and you know these are some odd creatures!!!

Star Human

Space Creatures from Space Large Monstrous Beast  ドゴラ
GID Space Creature



Posted by Francine @ 06:00 AM in Toys | Permalink  | Comments (2) |