Mar 20, 2012

kaNO Signing for Kuso Vinyl @ Wondercon


After avoiding some light rain and striking luck with parking at the convention structure rather than the Stadium, we enjoyed our day at Wondercon in Anaheim, especially visiting our good ol' friend kaNO, who was signing at the Kuso Vinyl booth on Saturday. He was on the spot signing for his ‘Enter The Dragon” edition of his Dragon King. If you didn’t have a chance to check out Wondercon and bummed you couldn’t get yourself a Dragon King, you can grab one HERE or through Kuso Vinyl.


Posted by Kristoffer @ 10:21 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 17, 2012

WonderCon 2012: Bigfoot's Forest Warlord

On Friday afternoon The artists known as Bigfoot dropped by the Kuso Vinyl booth to sign for fans, offer a few choice prints, and showcase his new vinyl toy, the Forest Warlord. The final production sample of the new large toy looks quite good with the paint complimenting the nicely textured sculpt. If you missed the STRANGEco versions from way back when, this new figure will be hard to pass up. Keep an eye out for it.


Posted by Jack @ 05:44 PM in Vinyl Artist Poll , Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

First Look at Wondercon 2012

While WonderCon is a San Francisco staple, it is going down in not so sunny SoCal (Anaheim) this year while the Moscone Center is under remodel. I dropped by the 'con on Friday to check out what was on offer including a small selection of talented companies and artists in the toy and art scene we all are crazy about. After the jump there's a quick photo overview of the show. Look for focused posts shortly. If you haven't gone yet, there's always Sunday.



Posted by Jack @ 05:21 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 13, 2012

DeKorner @ WonderCon : Scott Tolleson x Wrong Gear Collection

For WonderCon, DeKorner will be offering brand new lifestyle items from Wrong Gear’s new artist series with their first featured artist, Scott Tolleson.  Best known in action sports circles, Wrong Gear will offer their specialty Masks (knit bandana/scarf) featuring Scott Tolleson patches as WonderCon exclusives -- ‘Warrior Mask’ (blue, $30) and ‘Indulge Mask’ (yellow + brown, $35) in Tolleson’s signature argyle.  Rounding out the new collection, Wrong Gear will also debut a pair of wallet designs featuring Scott’s characters – BittaCritta and Snow Girl (250 pcs, $20).  There’s also a wallet + pouch combo (w/shoulder strap) for $40.

Each of the new Scott Tolleson x Wrong Gear items will be available for sale from DeKorner’s booth (# 390).  Mr. Tolleson will be signing from Noon to 1 PM on Sunday (3.18). In addition to the Wrong Gear items, DeKorner will offer a limited number of Scott’s vinyl toys including the standard Uncle Argh mini qee’s and the Benard Android figs. Finally, DeKorner will also be offering  their exclusive Morksta figure by MAD and Pobber.


Posted by Jack @ 06:15 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Hyperactive Monkey – Wondercon Exclusive Deluxe White Ninja Monkey


Jeremy Lu of Hyperactive Monkey will be making it out to this years Wondercon. With him, he will be bringing an all new, all exclusive Deluxe White Ninja Monkey figure. This piece was sculpted by the good folks of Squidkidsink and produced by Mana Studios. The Deluxe Ninja Monkey stands 5” tall and features a removable cloak, 2 katana blades, 2 ninja stars, 1 kusarigama and a 3.25” x 4” mini print. This exclusive run is limited to 20 pieces total and will be available at the Hyperactive Monkey Booth #373 for $50 each.

Posted by Kristoffer @ 10:01 AM in Incoming , Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Mar 12, 2012

Rotobox -- ‘Catchaman’ Celsius @ WonderCon (3.16 – 3.18)

Kuso Vinyl will release the new ‘Catchaman’ Celsius vinyl from Rotobox @ its WonderCon booth this coming weekend.  Followers of Robotobox Vinyl Anatomica (Spencer and Stephen Ong) are likely familiar with their Ganmetall Celsius Tribute series of hand-done custom toys paying homage to various iconic characters, often drawn from classic Japanese anime. With this ‘Catachman’ Celsius, Rotobox and Kuso bring the Tribute series into prime time with full production editions of their custom brothers.  With the meticulous work that Rotobox puts into their customs, its great to see some of their hand-done designs make the jump to factory painted pieces for all of their fans to enjoy. 

Whether you refer to the series as Gatchaman or Battle of the Planets, you will definitely recognize the classic red/white/blue clad team leader, recreated here in Celsius form.  This first figure will be released in two 7” editions – Pearl White (200 pcs) and Metallic Purple (100 pieces).  Get ‘em before anyone else at Kuso’s WonderCon booth (#287) for $60 each.


Posted by Jack @ 11:13 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Interview with Guf & The Introduction of King Swine


The great thing about the toy community is meeting collectors in my very own community. That’s how I met Guf, model kit builder, toy collector, sculptor, tattoo artist and part owner of San Diego’s Tattoo Royale with long time friends, Milton and Droopy. Guf is responsible for sculpting and casting the Larry figure (HERE), which was based on a design by Milton, as a part of their Tattoo Royale Garage toys. Now some time has passed and Guf is ready to introduce his very own figure, by the name of King Swine. What better way to introduce KS, than an interview! So I had the chance to stop by his shop, as well as his home to snap a few photos and ask a few questions. Also, for those attending Wondercon, Guf will be bringing along with him some of his Resin King Swine Figures. Stay tuned for more information on the release! Word on the street is that it will be guerilla backpack style, as they did at NYCC.

VP: Hi Guf! How about we start off with this interview by asking for a brief background about yourself? Where are you from? Art, Sculpting, Tattooing Background, etc…? And where do you draw inspiration from for your artwork and toys?

Guf: Born in Wisconsin and have been drawing and doing art projects since I can remember. No formal art training after high school, just lucky enough to learn from talented people I have met and worked with. I was raised on monster and sci-fi movies ,  comic books, MAD and monster magazines. Also built and painted a lot of model kits.


VP: How long have you been tattooing? And how much of that time was spent as part owner of Tattoo Royale?

Guf: I have been tattooing almost 20 years, 5 years at Tattoo Royale.

VP: Of those 20 years of tattooing, have you ever had any outrageous or really funny requests?

Guf: I once gave a 65+  year old man his first tattoo which was an old plow horse on his belly, with the horse looking over it's shoulder making the mans belly button the horses rear end. He did it for his wife because he said she was always calling him a horses ass.

VP: As much as I think the viewers would love to see that tattoo, I’m going to have to spare them. But anyways.. I’ve noticed you’ve been in a few publications in both the Tattoo Industry and the Model Kit Industry, any particular spread you favor the most? Or had the best experience working on?

Guf: Some of my clients have had their tattoos photographed and published in the tattoo magazines, one was a cover, that was cool.  I also contributed to a model building publication called Amazing Vehicular Modeler, a spin off of Amazing Figure Modeler magazine. It was a how to article on building, painting and kit bashing an old Ed " Big Daddy" Roth model kit. I didn't realize how much work it takes to document the process with photos and then write about it. The hard work paid off , it ended up on the cover of the premier issue.

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VP: Congrats on those covers by the way! Speaking of Tattoos, I couldn’t help but notice you got some fresh ink. Would you like to tell us a little bit about it?

Guf: Just got my hands tattooed in December 2011, Godzilla on the right, King Kong on the left. Again, nostalgia for 2 of my favorite movies, 1933 King Kong and the 1954 Godzilla.

VP: So if King Kong got into some radioactive goo, which made him equal size to Godzilla. Who do you think would win in a fight?

Guf: Please don't make me choose sides, I love them both. Hopefully they can work out their differences and get along some day.


VP: The idea of Godzilla and King Kong getting along would make a good film. Now let’s gets to the nitty gritty. King Swine! Where did this figure spawn from? I know you are going to start him off as resin, but do you have any plans to turn him into vinyl?

Guf: Still working on King Swines backstory,  I just had an idea for a pig monster and had an urge to sculpt something that would fit in a Kaiju toy collection.  For some reason I like pigs, even have some tattooed on me. Keeping him a garage toy for right now, roto cast resin in small runs. Someday I would like to have a toy made in vinyl, but honestly resin and vinyl collect dust just the same and I can do the whole production in resin from the sculpt to the finished product here in my garage, that's why we like to call them garage toys.

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Posted by Kristoffer @ 09:00 AM in Incoming , Interviews , Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (1) |

Mar 07, 2012

Super7 –- Strawberry Caramel Delight Foster @ Wondercon


Even though Wondercon won’t be taking place in San Francisco this year, Super7 is still making the trip out to Anaheim to join in on the fun. With them, they will be bringing along with them some t-shirts and Exclusive Wondercon releases. One of those exclusives, being the Strawberry Caramel Delight Foster. This release is cast in in a pink glow vinyl with brown sprays for $25. Stay tuned for more information on what else they have up their sleeves. As for now, add booth #369 to the list of booths to visit!

Posted by Kristoffer @ 11:47 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |

Indie Toymaker Panel @ Wondercon (3.16)

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Update: DKE has replaced Kidrobot on the panel.

Are you ready?  The temporarily relocated Wondercon in sunny Anaheim is just a little over a week from now.  In addition to several art toy booths, there will be an Indie Toymaker Panel on Friday (1:30 – 2:30 PM, Room 203AB) for all those looking to turn their creations into a product for others to buy and collect. While the official title is … ‘Indie toymaker Roundtable: Turning Characters Into Toys’, Indie Toymaker Panel just rolls of the tongue better.   Moderated by Wendy Bryan of I Heart Guts, the discussion will feature insights from   Mr. Toast, Munky King, Evil Ice Cream, Happy Worker, Hey Soupface, DKE Toys and of course, I Heart Guts.

Indie Toymaker Panel @ Wondercon
Friday, March 16th 2012 (1:30 – 2:30 PM)

Room 203AB
Anaheim Convention Center


Posted by Jack @ 10:49 PM in Wondercon 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |